Who we are
CLF is a Not-For-Profit organization whose primary goal is to provide a safe and comfortable place for people recovering from chemical dependency. When a substance abuser makes a commitment to become chemically independent, they are doing something that requires strength, motivation and endurance.
It is our belief that recovery is a lifetime process and these facilities are provided to the community voluntarily by the members and supporters of this objective.
Our Mission
Cedar Lake Fellowship is a Not-For-Profit organization designed for the sole purpose of providing a meeting place for the recovering community. All members of the Board of Directors and any committee members are strictly volunteers and are not paid or compensated in any way. Cedar Lake does contract a few specific outside services where the service would be difficult to coordinate with volunteers.
Membership & Our Cause
Cedar Lake Fellowship provides a meeting place for recovering members of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Al-anon, and all 12-step programs, as well as other recovery community organizations..
Anyone who attends meetings at Cedar Lake is eligible for membership.
The main privilege of membership is a pride in knowing you have an active part is supporting this fellowship. Without your help, we could not function. There are other small privileges such as a spot to hang a coffee cup, and your name being displayed on the membership board.
Membership dues are $5.00 per month, or $60.00 for an entire year.
Cedar Lake is our facility! We own it, pay the mortgage & utilities, and maintain it.
Each week over 1,000 people walk through our doors to attend meetings.
The facility’s average operating budget is typically around $55,000 per year.
We provide a “Tool Box” (bookstore) that offers a variety of recovery materials.
Cedar Lake will spend an estimated $15,000 on coffee and supplies in 2013.
There are 38 regularly scheduled meetings provided during the 7-day week.
The utility and insurance expenses average about $780.00 per month.
CLF budgets $5,000 to $7,000 per year for facility upgrades and maintenance.
Meeting rent, member dues and coffee donations provide for 85% of our revenue.